International chinese
kempo federation


International Chinese Kempo Federation
International Chinese Kempo Federation The International Chinese Kempo Federation was founded to help promote and preserve the Chinese Kempo System and assist all its members school support and training opportunities. Founded in 2001 as APKC, the organization developed and promoted the growth of its members and Chinese Kempo, becoming in 2005 ICKF.
Since 2005, over 500.000 students have joined the ICKF because of these principles and open spirit, and the federation’s service has been recognized by a number of prestigious organizations were ICKF is also a member: IKF – International Kempo Federation, UWSKF – United World Sport Kempo Federation, IKA - Kajukenbo, and others.
The ICKF recognizes the importance of serving members who run schools. The difficulties of running a martial art school and business are well-known. The ICKF stays out of an instructor’s way, does not demand that members force students to join, does not dictate curriculums nor extract exorbitant fees from promotions.
The ICKF offers instructors a full curriculum for Chinese Kempo & Kajukenbo program that includes:
- Self Defence Punch, Grab, Club, Knife, Gun, Several Opponents
- Empty Hand Forms
- Weapon Forms
- History and Tradition
- Principles
- Competition Development in Traditional and Combat Sport
- Ethics
- ParaKempo Seminars
- Others…
We hope you find our site informative and useful. ​
The ICKF does not charge FEE to its members, just hard work and commitment.